Yılmaz Öz
Honorary Chairman of the Board
Mr. Yilmaz Oz, an International Lawyer from Turkey, was born in Ankara in 1930. After finishing the Ankara Law School in 1951, he went to the United States. Attended Yale Law School for post-graduate work and received a Master's Degree in International Law in June of 1952. Staying on for another term at Yale, he continued his U.S. studies until March of 1953.
Returning to Turkey, he set up his private law practice in Ankara in 1956. He specializes in International Business Law, particularly in the corporate field. He is recognized as an expert in the oil & gas investment and government relations matters. He is a proponent of what-he-calls ‘‘Preventive Law'', emphasizing the need for and importance of pre-contract counseling. Mr. Oz has been a member of the Yale Law School Alumni Association; the President of the Turkish-American Association; the President of the Ankara Rotary Club; a member of the International Service Consultative Committee of Rotary International, as well as, being member of various professional organizations. He has attended and/or served as panelist in seminars and symposia of professional interest at the U.N., the University of Cambridge and the International Chamber of Commerce. He has written and published several articles of professional and general interest, as well as, widely lecturing on same. He is the Reviser for the “Turkey” section of the Law Digests in the Martindale-Hubbel International Law Directory.