
Since the discovery of the Oymantepe oil field by AME in 2014 in the East Sadak license, the Reşan license has become one of AME’s core exploration assets. The license offers a huge potential for exploring oil in multiple play concepts with its proven hydrocarbon; thrust structures along the Tilan-Başur-Reşan axis, Mardin “Leads” in the tectonically more stable Eastern part of the license, and the shallow amplitude plays in Eocene-Oligocene age formations.
The main target reservoirs are Upper Cretaceous aged Beloka and Mardin Group carbonates within the Reşan-Başur anticline. There are several wells with oil tests along this trend in the license area; Başur-1 (1965) produced 325 bbl of oil during testing the well, Reşan-5 (1957) tested oil at a DST (20 liters oil), and oil shows were observed during the drilling of Reşan 2 and 3 (1955). Moreover, Kurtalan-1 (1961) which is only a 3.8 km downdip from Tilan-1 (1966), produced 219,000 bbl of 33 API oil from Garzan formation between 1961-1971.
In June 2021, the Başur-3 exploration well was spudded to twin the oil-tested Başur-1 well, however, it did not reach the planned TD due to technical reasons and it was P&A’d in July 2021 in the Lower Germav formation.
During the 2D seismic data acquisition program in 2022, light oil seepages (41-47 API) were observed in several explosive shot holes. Oil shows were observed at the Germik base limestone interval during the drilling of a geothermal well (Kezer-1) in 2019. The emulsion also came to the surface while lowering the 9 5/8” casing to the top of the Hoya formation. After identifying near-surface amplitude anomalies associated with positive indicators from post-stack seismic attributes on one of the legacy 2D seismic lines running near both the shot hole and the geothermal well, a shallow amplitude play concept has been developed. Pinarova-1 well drilled to a total depth of 600m to test this shallow amplitude play concept in April 2023. After extensive well-completion operations, the well was P&A’d in February 2024 due to not recovering any hydrocarbon at commercial quantities.